Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Develop Strong Work Ethic

EFFORT counts for everything when training in the Martial Arts. Effort equals results! When kids train at American Kempo Karate Academy, they are taught to put forth the effort to earn their reward. Showing up is great, but the effort must be put in to receive any benefit or reward. This is an EXTREMELY important quality kids need need to develop. With many activities, kids can go through the motions and still get credit. NOT so when kids train at AKKA. Most kids today do not mow lawns, clean up their room, have part time jobs when they are old enough, shovel snow, and some do not have any chores around the house at all! Many well intended parents make this mistake because they feel that they don't want their child to have to do what they did growing up. Unfortunately, it is the items listed above that help develop kids character and if that is removed, what else are they supposed to do. Where are they supposed to learn about a good work ethic? What kind of future can the expect? We at AKKA instill this value into all the students. They see that their efforts pay off in the sense of how they feel about themselves. We all know the great feeling about working hard and the sense of true accomplishment. At AKKA, our classes are hard but doable. Students come out of each and every class KNOWING that they did their best. This is why it is important to pick a school that believes in strong work ethic in training. Classes that are too lame will only reward mediocrity and build a false sense of self esteem. This also sends the wrong message to the kids when things come too easy. For more information on how we can train YOUR child for a stronger work ethic, visit http://www.akka.com/

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