Monday, January 5, 2009

Develop a Sense of Respect

Respect, remember that wonderful quality our parents and grandparents taught us. It seems respect is demonstrated less and less these days in mainstream society. We at American Kempo Karate Academy are all about respect on an off the training floor. Kids are taught to respect themselves, their parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, classmates, teachers, authority figures, the United States, other people's property, animals, the environment, and of course, their Martial Arts instructors. The Instructors at AKKA teach mutual respect. Respect is always a 2 way street. For example, when the students bow into class, the instructor ALWAYS bows with them and to them. When students practice with each other, they are required to bow to each other as a sign of respect for each other's ability and safety. This type of respect prevents little cliques from developing at our schools and teaches kids that they can be friends with everyone. When kids grow up being respectful, they are more likely to avoid the adolescent peer pressures that exist today. Respect for themselves and others helps keep them out of trouble!  They will more likely avoid negative habits like smoking and drinking alcohol because they respect THEMSELVES. The first rule at our school is Etiquette which demonstrates that everything is built upon respect. To learn more about how we teach respect to student, visit .

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