Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Develop Strong Work Ethic

EFFORT counts for everything when training in the Martial Arts. Effort equals results! When kids train at American Kempo Karate Academy, they are taught to put forth the effort to earn their reward. Showing up is great, but the effort must be put in to receive any benefit or reward. This is an EXTREMELY important quality kids need need to develop. With many activities, kids can go through the motions and still get credit. NOT so when kids train at AKKA. Most kids today do not mow lawns, clean up their room, have part time jobs when they are old enough, shovel snow, and some do not have any chores around the house at all! Many well intended parents make this mistake because they feel that they don't want their child to have to do what they did growing up. Unfortunately, it is the items listed above that help develop kids character and if that is removed, what else are they supposed to do. Where are they supposed to learn about a good work ethic? What kind of future can the expect? We at AKKA instill this value into all the students. They see that their efforts pay off in the sense of how they feel about themselves. We all know the great feeling about working hard and the sense of true accomplishment. At AKKA, our classes are hard but doable. Students come out of each and every class KNOWING that they did their best. This is why it is important to pick a school that believes in strong work ethic in training. Classes that are too lame will only reward mediocrity and build a false sense of self esteem. This also sends the wrong message to the kids when things come too easy. For more information on how we can train YOUR child for a stronger work ethic, visit http://www.akka.com/

Monday, January 5, 2009

Provide Family Support & Involvement

Child development experts all agree that kids perform their best when they know they are properly supported at home.  Kids want to impress the authoritative adults in their lives.  When these adults invest time to encourage and genuinely praise the kids for their accomplishments, it gives the kids a strong sense of self worth and belief in themeselves.  It is even more effective if the adults can take an active interest in the child's activites and school work.
Martial Arts is something the whole family can get involved in regardless of age, fitness level, or gender. They say the family that KICKS together, STICKS together! It is a very positive activity that can be practiced year round instead of seasonal.
I am not only a life long Martial Artist and Martial Arts Professional, I am also an AKKA Parent. Enjoy this video of me an my 3 kids demonstrate some of what they have been learning in our programs. Having my own kids in our programs PROVES that I TOTALLY believe in what we do.

Do Some Goal Setting

Another benefit to training in a quality Martial Arts program is the skill of goal setting. Most activities lack this VERY IMPORTANT component. Without a goal setting system, participants really cannot measure their progress and have little to look forward to. Most Martial Arts programs have some sort of belt or level advancement system. At AKKA, we have age specific progression systems so students will know where they stand while training in our in our programs and also know where they are going. Each level is tested so that students can perform to their personal best and gradually improve. The testing is tough but fair. AKKA also has different level programs that students must qualify for such as our Black Belt Training, Masters Training, and Leadership Training. Having a functional goal setting system helps kids understand the importance of setting and achieving goals. This is a valuable skill they will use throughout their lives. It also teaches them that anything worthwhile is going to require work and effort to achieve it. To learn more about how AKKA can help YOUR child become goal oriented, visit http://www.akka.com/

Instill Self Discipline

At American Kempo Karate Academy, we teach and demonstrate the most important discipline there is, SELF DISCIPLINE. Self discipline is the engine that makes every other character trait work. When students start learning their basics and techniques from their instructors, it takes self discipline to go home and practice on their own without anyone telling them. No real success is possible without self discipline which is why it is so important for kids to start learning it at an early age. Some simple examples, showing up for class on time each week helps build discipline. We require students to wear a certain uniform according to our protocol or rules of the school. Students need to be disciplined enough to be properly dressed for class. Another example is that students must prepare for their belt promotions so they can pass their tests. The real lesson is about being prepared. At AKKA, we make sure the students learn about self reliance for being prepared which is another form of self discipline. The road to self discipline is order and discipline in the classroom. Only go to a Martial Arts school that runs orderly classes. Avoid any free for alls. All AKKA's classes have order and have a balance of being disciplined but still having fun. For more information about discipline for YOUR child, visit http://www.akka.com/

Develop a Sense of Respect

Respect, remember that wonderful quality our parents and grandparents taught us. It seems respect is demonstrated less and less these days in mainstream society. We at American Kempo Karate Academy are all about respect on an off the training floor. Kids are taught to respect themselves, their parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, classmates, teachers, authority figures, the United States, other people's property, animals, the environment, and of course, their Martial Arts instructors. The Instructors at AKKA teach mutual respect. Respect is always a 2 way street. For example, when the students bow into class, the instructor ALWAYS bows with them and to them. When students practice with each other, they are required to bow to each other as a sign of respect for each other's ability and safety. This type of respect prevents little cliques from developing at our schools and teaches kids that they can be friends with everyone. When kids grow up being respectful, they are more likely to avoid the adolescent peer pressures that exist today. Respect for themselves and others helps keep them out of trouble!  They will more likely avoid negative habits like smoking and drinking alcohol because they respect THEMSELVES. The first rule at our school is Etiquette which demonstrates that everything is built upon respect. To learn more about how we teach respect to student, visit http://www.akka.com/ .

Learn Self Defense Skills

This is what truly separates Martial Arts training from all the rest of the activities kids can engage in. When kids train at American Kempo Karate Academy, they develop the confidence to believe that they are WORTH defending. When they are being taught practical, age specific self defense techniques, they will feel safe and secure when they grow up go out into the world. Students are taught that they are never to use what they learn to hurt someone unless someone was trying to hurt them. Having the skills to back up one's confidence is vital. This is what will help prevent YOUR child from becoming a target for bullies. Be selective about what type of Martial Arts your enroll your child in. The self defense component of training is a VERY IMPORTANT part. Unfortunately, very few Martial Arts schools actually teach the proper concepts and techniques of self defense and cause studens to learn bad training habits that will NOT develop solid self defense skills. Most focus on sport competition and/or outdated traditional training drills that have nearly no self defense skill building value. At AKKA, students are taught the practical skills they will need to keep themselves safe. To learn more about how we can teach your child how to better defend themselves, visit http://www.akka.com/

Exposure to Positive Role Models

When kids train at American Kempo Karate Academy, they are learning from true positive role models. Our instructors are strong and healthy leaders. They project a positive influence and set a good example for how kids should conduct their lives in and out of the Martial Arts School. With access to the Internet and endless TV channels, kids are exposed to limitless negative influences. The question every parent MUST ask is "Who is influencing MY child?" Then the next question is "Who do I WANT to influence my child?". To learn more about how AKKA can be a positive influence in YOUR child's life, visit www.akka.com